Sunday, May 15, 2011


We enjoyed the first strawberries growing on our property this past week, and have had many "strawberry parties" since that first one was savored. Kali usually checks the patch first thing in the morning and brings back the treasures she finds. We haven't gotten enough for more than a few each to enjoy, but they are special, very special!!!

We are enjoying so much beauty around our place this spring - in plants, animals and people. The flowers are brilliant in their color. And of course we can't post an update without one picture of "little miss." Today marks 12 years of marraige for Jason and I. I have a feeling my favorite part of today will be how we started it. Alida waking up in our bed full of her morning coos and grins. Kali waking up and joining us and the four of us laying in bed enjoying the first moments of the day together!

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary, Jason & Janelle!! Your daughters, lily, and strawberries all look beautiful!!!
