Sunday, February 19, 2012


Three video snippets below can give you a small taste of some of the activities in our household of late. When more time is available for typing, I hope to fill in some more details on what else we have been up to.

First snippet: homeschooling. And Alida is currently spinning herself dizzy in her circle seat as I try to quickly type this before she wants out!

Second snippet: block box. Location is clearly important. Some recent rearranging moved the clunky toy box over by the dining room table and the block box over to the living room. Now that it is within clear site of everyone it has been a main attraction in our home. Both Kali and Alida are enjoying blocks. This is what Alida most likes to do with them.

Third snippet: dirt. And while she really likes unloading the block box, there are things that take even higher priority. She is still our little vaccum cleaner - finding any and all pieces of dirt that she can on the floor and consuming them (giving me that knowing glance as if to let me know that she knows I don't approve but the temptation is just too much for her).


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