Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our week at the beach

By the "new time" I have just under an hour until Sunday, when my computer is to be turned off. Jason suggested I make an exception and work on the blog tomorrow since I've just had an entire week without the computer and since Alida was very eager for her mommy to focus exclusively on her! But she is now sleeping next to me and so unless a coughing spell wakes her (yes, she got the cold that has gone through the whole family) I may actually get a few things posted. We'll see!

We left last Friday for First Landing State Park along Virginia Beach. We reserved a little cabin there for the week and were joined by my folks for about 3 of our days there. We enjoyed a mixture of sun and rain and a lot of wind. We wore hat, gloves and coats for a good number of the days and Kali and Alida played in the water on the sunny days (my feet ached the water was that cold). We loved the fact that there was very little competition for spots along the beach and no need for sunscreen most days since almost all of our skin was well covered! We didn't so much enjoy the proximity to a military base and with that what seemed like almost constant noise from low flying aircraft. However, it was great fun to watch Alida explore the outdoors and she rode around in the pack for hours a day as we hiked about on the beach and the various trails in the state park. It was great to see Kali regain confidence riding bike and ride for miles while we hiked, as well as wading far into the shallows of the bay "fishing" with a net she bought with some of her precious vacation spending money (most of which she returned home with because she was so cautious about spending it and painstakingly processed each of the few purchases she made).

We packed a lot into the week, but were glad that we had a few days where we didn't venture beyond the state park at all - those were the "true vacation" days for Jason and me. Though we both recognized that without little people around we would also have arranged our time very differently - as one example I would have taken a good number of naps, of which I enjoyed none - we also loved having time to soak up time with both girls!

A few of our activities included checking out the Charlottesville Children's Museum, the two Children's Museums in Richmond and Edible Landscaping on our drive to and from First Landing. We took day trips to the Virginia Aquarium and the Virginia Air and Space Center. We hiked a lot, walked along the beach, made s'mores, and enjoyed just being together. Here is Alida enjoying a few of her moments on the beach! There are many more clips not pictured here - once she got introduced to the water it was very hard to keep her out!

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