Monday, September 1, 2014

Luray Zoo goats

Yesterday evening we had a little family caravan to Luray Zoo with three boys in a truck leading the way (Jason, Oreo and Cookie Dough) and us gals bringing up the rear. As always, the goats were happy to leave their pen with us, a little less sure about getting in the truck, and once again happy to follow us out of the truck when we arrived at their new home.  We got up to the gate to the large pasture area and Cookie Dough was very curious about the llama laying by the entrance. He was sniffing and then nibbled at the fur coming through the fence.  When the llama stood up, however, Cookie Dough backed up so fast he rammed right into Jason.  They were very timid and had to be pushed into the pasture.  It wasn't long before the alpha goat (a large female pictured below) came over to check them out (by sniffing them from head to tail).  Cookie Dough tried to appear tough, by standing on his hind legs and prancing around a bit, but it was clear they were both trying to figure out what had gotten into us to bring them to this strange place with all these creatures, some like them and some not (like the rhea walking around).  When Jason left to go get some leftover hay to donate, they let him know they were missing him already.  And, I will admit, that despite being eager to not hear their cry every time I walk outdoors, it was kind of hard turning around and leaving them (knowing this time their bleating was letting us know they didn't want us to leave).  The owners were pretty laid back about it, assuming they would cry some in their first day and then be just fine.  My sense is they will have a much better life there once they get acclimated and if Cookie Dough doesn't try to appear too tough, but accepts new friends.  They have a huge area to run and place in, a barn for shelter, guests that will feed them treats and lots of goats, llamas, a deer, a rhea playmates.  I was tempted to call to check on them today but refrained.  Kali and Alida both seemed surprisingly pleased with the new arrangement. Alida was mostly disappointed that we didn't get to see all the other animals so we'll have to go back for a visit soon...

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