Friday, February 1, 2019

Our famous poet!

Well, it's now 10:45 p.m. and Kali and I are the only ones still awake. It seems a tad ridiculous to stay up to put up a third blog post in one day, but I've been wanting to write an entry about cheddar cheese and about Kali's recently published poem. The cheesemaking can wait for another time - as I don't plan to stop making cheddar anytime soon (I'm hooked!!). But it seems worth sharing this while it is still hot off the press. Kali often enjoys sending in entries for various writing and art competitions in her Cricket magazines. The other day she got a 2nd place certificate in the mail noting that her poem was chosen to be printed in the February issue, which arrived the next day!
This particular one was a poetry contest back in October with the theme "mystery." Here's Kali's poem:

What's Wrong?

Once upon a nice fall morn
I pack some pickles, beans, sweet corn,
And also grapes (a whole big bunch) 
In a basket for my lunch.

I grab a book, a blanket, too,
Put on my socks, put on each shoe,
Walk out the door, and shut it tight.
Something doesn't feel quite right.

I look up at the orange sky,
Geese in a J shape, flying by.
A bright green cardinal chirps a song.
Still something seems a little wrong.

I set out upon my stroll,
Walk upon a wooden knoll,
Through autumn leaves in shades of green,
Purple, blue, and in between.

Bees around me zip and zoom,
Pollinating each mushroom.
Turtles leap from tree to tree.
There's nothing strange that I can see.

I spot a patch of nice red grass.
I spread my blanket, but alas!
Now, at last, I know what's wrong.
I didn't bring the food along!

And with that goodnight - for real this time!

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