Friday, August 30, 2013

Amazing girls!

I may have a bum foot (Alida called it a "dumb foot" last evening when she meant to say "bum" but by that time I couldn't have agreed more), but I have two pretty incredible kiddos.  Alida is understandably less patient with my inability to move quickly at her beckon call and to wince when she wants to be a monkey on my leg, but both are holding up better than me (on the attitude front that is).  While this is different in so very many ways, it reminds me of my bedrest days and I am very grateful that Kali and Alida have each other to entertain.  They do love each other!!  I've just gotten a request to join them at the swingset so I'll try out my crutches on grass for the first time and see if I make it that far.  Here's a few pictures from recent days:
Horsey rides!
If only Kali was a foot specialist.
They've been practicing for sharing a room. Kali has even suggested we paint two walls pink for Alida and leave two purple for her. Shocking!
Feel the love!
Enjoying Kali's 10th birthday party - that is the next post in the works but for now off to enjoy a little fresh air.

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