Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The first snow deserves a post of its own!

If ever a post should be dedicated to my mom, this would be the one! Sunday evening I noticed the weather prediction for a little snow overnight. When I woke to pee around 4 a.m. I came out to the front room and turned on the outside lights. It was a winter wonderland. I sent an email to my mom with the subject line, "Saw it before you!" and this message, "I love thinking of the thrill you will feel when you wake up and look out the windows." Who was I kidding? I should not have been surprised in the least to receive her reply that came in shortly after 5 a.m.: "Actually I saw it ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ at 3 a.m. when I got up to go to the bathroom. I was so excited I could hardly go back to sleep. Haven't stopped smiling since. LOVE IT!" It's very hard to be grouchy about snow when my mother is around. Her enthusiasm for the white stuff is catching! But, honestly, this time I didn't even need her encouragement. I couldn't get enough of the beauty of our surroundings. It was a wet snow that clung to everything. While the ponhoss and lard kettles got rolling, I went around and did the chicken chores and kept pulling out my phone to photograph the landscape as it sparkled and changed with the rising sun. There's no point in me trying to describe it. See for yourself!
The sun got the melting process rolling pretty early in the day, but not before some snowballs were made and thrown and before Terah pulled a few sleds out of the crawl space. I was still doing chores when I heard Alida join her and before long I heard Mom out there with them. She was not about to let her granddaughters have some sledding fun right outside her windows without her! I was back at the butchering operation by the time Kali got out to join them for a sled run all 4 of them together before we were back to mostly bare grass. It was a short lasting snow but a glorious one! 
Last night we were at Jonathan and Christen's for dinner and we were talking with Luca about the snow and hearing how much fun he had playing in it. This got him thinking about snow and he went over to the door and pointed and then came back to Christen asking, "Mama...snow?!" It was a little hard for him to take in the reality that his mama could not make the sky put more of that fun cold white stuff on the ground for his enjoyment. I know my mom also wishes she could order it regularly!!

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