Sunday, November 14, 2021

Eagerly anticipated Covid shots, beautiful fall days, abundant ginger harvest...

We'll start with the news that is most exciting for our youngest - she (along with Alida) got her first Covid shot on Thursday. Terah was never anything but excited, begging us to get the first available appointments, even if that meant feeling bad for some of the time in WV. She never hit a nervous stage and found the shot to be no big deal. Alida did fabulous too, but did feel more anxious ahead of time (probably having more of a memory of her dislike of shots pre-Covid). Both had a sore arm for a day or two, but otherwise nothing to write home about! Their mother (who was at home in the class I'm taking this fall) was the most anxious (not too surprising), so I'm grateful the first one is behind us and they both did wonderfully well!
In other news, the newest driver in the house is getting a little more practice here and there. We had a fun outdoor afternoon/evening with Jonathan and Christen last Sunday and only went "inside" to all pile into our car masked for a little farm lane excursion with Kali at the wheel. 
The time together also included a fall hike (just the older generation) to Hensley's Pond, an enthusiastic round of croquet and yummy food and warming ourselves around the fire. Felt like the conversations were just really getting rolling when it was time to call it a day! 
It just so happened I got to take two hikes to Hensley's Pond in one day on Sunday as a dear friend was staying with us for the weekend due to some CJP connections/conversations happening. I was so grateful to take in the mountain lots during my favorite time of year!
We have officially taken "harvest day" off our daily to do lists. The frosts have been hard enough now to do in the raspberries and the persimmons have also ceased to fall in large quantities with the cooler temps. We are ok with that! We are finally starting to eat more than we are bringing in! And also getting around to a few fun food processing experiments. We had a very large ginger harvest this year so we are experimenting with a number of ways of storing it and trying to get it to be a big stronger in flavor. We've got the starts for next year going on the window sill. 
And we have done one round of candied ginger, with more to come. I had some cinnamon sugar left over from donut making recently so experimented with cinnamon candied ginger. It's yummy! And I'm also hankering for a straight up ginger batch. Good thing we have plenty to play around with!
I'll work on another blog post soon but Jason and I are ready to call it a day, snuggle up and pick a movie to watch from the list of "not-family-friendly" movies I've been amassing for when we are here without kiddos! Yep, after a lovely weekend at the Mountain House (next blog post will be about that), we returned home with a LOADED car, but no kids (they are saving a few more days in WV). As Mom and Dad prepare to make their final move to Tangly Woods next month and say goodbye to ownership of the Mountain House, there's a lot of boxes being shuttled back and forth, loads going to Gift and Thrift, much discernment of how to blend the things we have and keep what both households will find most useful, etc... Lots of work (practical and emotional) and some fun is had along the way too. Sometimes the kids like to impede process and want to be the ones moved around.

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