Monday, July 31, 2023

Bringing July to a close!

Here's all the other things I'm deeming noteworthy (and scrapbook appropriate) about the second half of July, outside of Jordon and Ashley's special visit. While I type I'm using a coupon from Terah for a foot rub so if the post has a particularly positive feel to it you'll know why!

On Wed, July 19 the girls and I made the most of a trek down to Waynesboro where all the Tangly Woods' females established care with a dermatologist. Kali was dismissed for 2 years and the rest of us had at least one mole photographed and so will return yearly for routine checks. We got to wear very fancy outfits!!
I really liked the practice and they were so kind to do all our appointments on the same day. We did have to split them between morning and afternoon so over the lunch time we explored a park along the river. It was a miracle we got back to the dermatologist with Terah still dry. She was insistent that we go back there again WITH swimsuits next time! We ate our picnic lunch and then Alida and I snuggled while Kali followed Terah around the playground.
That evening we finally were able to host an informal gathering for Terah (and Kali's) soccer team. It had felt like several unsuccessful attempts due to schedules and smoke from the wild fires in Canada. Terah was so excited and warned us ahead of time that we would not get much attention from her once her teammates arrived. That was very accurate.
The following day we had our normal Thursday "Luca day" and I wondered who took our baby neighbor and brought us this toddler! How is it that he seems to have transitioned so quickly into a little boy - he looked so big to when he crawled up in the recliner to communicate he was ready for snuggles, a bottle and a nap. 
Later that day I was thrilled to pass the iron check and be able to successfully give blood. I didn't even have Kali or Jason there to "race" me and I filled my bag in less than 5 minutes!!
Surrounding Jordon and Ashley's visit, there was additional soaking up of little people (a big theme in our lives right now!). I'm settling into spending a half day weekly with Bear and his family. I joke with my family what a hardship it is. You can just see how much I'm suffering!
It's hard work snuggling such a cutie pie!
It's especially sweet to see him enjoying Nora's little blue seat. He even joined me in the kitchen while I baked, but he wasn't really aware of what was happening!
On the baby theme, we enjoyed a little farm visit from baby Alida and her family and I also had two doula meetings recently (I'm back up doula right now for a family and then am working with a couple that will be welcoming their first little one in December). Still loving it! Still trying to figure out exactly where/how it fits with our home/family/farm life!
While in Pennsylvania, Terah learned to swim and Alida greatly enhanced her swimming skills. I've now seen it with my own eyes. We've gotten in two stints of swimming at a friend's pool. Terah is quite the fish - going under, doing somersaults, and feeling quite confident moving around. Jason served as our weatherman on our first swimming excursion and we gave up when thunder joined up with the rain drops.
Today we said goodbye after another lovely week with my Great Aunt Eleanor. I'm glad we have the next one on the books already. She is literally part of our family but also feels like family when she is here - each time she comes it feels less and less like we are hosting and more like she is just coming home. We were scurrying around for much of this week but still savored meal times together and other visiting over chopping veggies (a lot of them - after 97 years she did a new thing here this week: she trimmed garlic on a Sunday! Not to mention snipping beans and chopping peppers and squash. She graciously made an exception because I think she could easily see how she could make our Sabbath just a tad more restful and enjoyable - it was really fun working together in the kitchen!). 

I was glad to observe that she also had lots of good mountain gazing time and snoozing on the deck! And she got to meet some of our dear friends and family in the area, join us for a small group evening in town, and take in the hubbub of a sleepover with 5 excited and energetic girls ages 7-12!
She taught Alida and Terah had to do crayon art and the results were stunning from my perspective!
This pretty much sums it up!
Here's the aforementioned sleepover underway! The sleep part has ended in the photo below, hours before our kiddos are normally awake! They didn't want to "waste" any more minutes sleeping than necessary! When they left, Terah noted that she wants them to come for 3 nights next time. 
You might wonder where farming is happening in this whole mix of things! Good question!! In every nook and cranny available and some that aren't even so available! Jason has still been working hard on the kitchen remodel and it's coming along beautifully!! But it definitely makes things a lot tighter on the home front!
We are deep into cucumber season - fermenting, canning and eating just as many as we can eat fresh and giving away many more! Due to the limits of freezer space, I've been canning and fermenting beans so far. And yesterday I made fermented garlic paste for the first time ever. I sure hope we like it because I've got 6 pints going. It supposedly turns from white to blueish green to brown over the course of a few weeks, and when done has a sweet caramelized flavor. It smells great and is at the blueish green phase! I harvested all the beets this week and have yet to do anything with them other than trim them up and tuck them in bags in the fridge. It's definitely the "we are swimming in food" time of year, which I fully recognize is an amazing "problem" to have! Jason and I thinned the amaranth together and due to the good spinach harvest we had this year, the thinnings went to the pigs rather than our freezer. We have more trombone squash than we know what to do with. The buckwheat is flowering. Tomatoes are starting - had enough for the first batch of pasta sauce (which we are cleaning up in leftover spaghetti pie for supper here at 9:30 p.m. - definitely on our summer farming schedule!). We are definitely burning the candle at both ends right now while we work to prep the place to be away for two weeks!
Yesterday the girls made a medieval cheesecake and it is delicious (the original recipe was not decipherable but thankfully someone else did a translation of it which they followed - using fresh elder flower)! We enjoyed that on the deck with Emily, Jonas and Ivy and watched the moon rise!
I'm still obsessed with the morning skies and mountain views!
But they don't fill me up quite as much the people who share Tangly Woods with me do!
P.s. The other morning Jason was sitting on the pot when something hopped under the bathroom door all coated in dust bunnies. Here's our new resident of the seed sanctuary after they were cleaned off.

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