Monday, May 27, 2024

Tangly Woods Tidbits!

I'm writing this on the eve of the 80th anniversary of my father's birth!!! And since we were busy celebrating him this evening, I never got around to putting text to the photos I uploaded earlier today (YES, my priorities were decidedly in the right place!). So here's the photos with short captions in no particular order. Buckle your seat belts for a scattered sampling of images from life of late!

We had a double header of soccer games on our anniversary night.
Mom graciously brought a picnic for us to enjoy all together on the sidelines, complete with carrot cake cupcakes (the flavor of our wedding cake that she also made!). 
This is what happened when we attempted an anniversary selfie. Our little goofball!
We were there long enough to enjoy soccer under the lights! 
We used almost an entire family work day spent on the front walk flower beds - our walk looked a lot wider by the end of the day from all the trimming and weeding.
We are just a week or two out from a big barley harvest. The heads are starting to turn and the chipmunks are starting to be very naughty in the patch!
Blue barley, or that's what Jason calls it!!
On our anniversary, the girls performed for us their rendition of "Pigs Make Me Sneeze" by Mo Willems, featuring Alida as Gerald the Elephant, Terah as Piggie, and Kali as Doctor Cat.
Jason has been playing around with logo ideas. Feedback welcome!
We gifted Alida a slingshot for her birthday and we spent some of her Daddy and Mommy time on Sunday hitting various targets in the woods. She made it look easier than it was!
I had a very sad surprise one morning when I went into the compost coop for chores to find a mama hen dead on the nest with her chicks. She hadn't been acting like a normal broody hen but we didn't realize she was sick. Most of her chicks were still alive so we brought them inside for the day and then gave them to a different broody hen. The adoption was successful!
Alida got to love on them for a bit first!
It's garlic scape season AND my ninja has finally bit the dust. So a new ninja is on order and I'll make our once a year garlic scape pesto as soon as it arrives!
In honor of our anniversary, the girls made a delicious pizza dinner for us.
This little guy is ON THE MOVE!! 
It's also herb drying season. I've probably got enough oregano dried for the year...
...and we have gorgeous parsley that I just loaded the solar dryer with this afternoon.
Jason replaced a second rotted gate threshold today with the locust tree he cut down last week. This is not the time of year when we want bunnies and groundhogs finding their way into the garden! So he felled a locust, cut it up, skinned it down and installed a very sturdy new threshold!
I swung by Sharp Shopper the other day and they had 6 packs of Philadelphia Cream Cheese. I bought some and in so doing encouraged the kiddos to shift their Sunday brunch menu to homemade bagels. There are 2 less packs of cream cheese AND all the bagels are already gone with hopes they'll be making them again later this week!
I was so glad that my family excused me from the outing to Ruby's Arcade. Jason and the girls had a delightful night out!
Jason did the second potato hilling. They look amazing!
Our onions are dying off fast and look really unhappy. Sigh! Jason has one more idea up his sleeve for next year as neem oil clearly isn't helping us get the upper hand on the onion maggot flies!
I scold my kids about feeding the chickens our picnic food...I admit that's it's kinda fun and very tempting when they are so good at begging for bites of my cookie!
Sharing grass! These babies are CUUUUUUUTE! It's really fun for me to see two of "my doula babies" getting to know each other. So sweet!
We decided to try a new tactic with the slugs - overwhelm them! So we planted 20+ seeds in each cucumber, cantaloupe, delicata, and trombone hill. I think we are onto something! They definitely ate some seedlings but they couldn't seem to eat them all before they got to a stage that is no longer as succulent for them. Phew! That was a good idea!
Have you ever seen someone so happy at the orthodontist?! She's such a trooper with this tiny mouth we gifted her with! 
I pruned the kiwis in the welcome garden today and they are loaded with fruit! It seems like it is gonna be a good fruit year. I'm really excited about that!
And there you have it! Nighty night!

Ps. I actually think this post is much more reflective of life than the ones I organize neatly by date, subject or what not! Going from farm chores to kid activities to gardening and food processing tasks to errands and appointments to baby care and visits to animal tending and trying to keep it all straight is more like it. What a ride!!

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