Monday, October 22, 2012


Alida just watched me download this video and soon after she finished watching it she slid off my lap and took off for the front room to perfect her "peekaboo."  This video captures her very first attempt to say the whole word and she hasn't stopped saying it since.  Very cute!!

In other news, we enjoyed a very special weekend here with family visiting - a mixture of relaxation, a house project, dismantling the aforementioned washing machine (which Jason is now talking of making a chicken coop out of), lots of yummy food (including my mostly successful second attempt at making the rice pudding recipe my Grandma Myers used to make), enjoying the laughter and fun of cousins playing together, and absolutely gorgeous weather.  This is definitely my favorite time of year - the light and colors on the mountain has we exclaiming often, "do I really live here?"

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