Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Other tidbits...

Before I completely loose steam, just a few other tidbits that I wanted to mention about life of late (I wanted Buttercup to have a post dedicated exclusively to her!).
I love the fall colors that are starting to take over the landscape - and right now the sunflowers are especially exquisite!
All THREE of our girls went to Ivy's for a playdate the other evening. Jason and I like where this is going!

This pictures begs a much longer story - ask if interested! In short, I have NEVER given in to a traveling salesman before. But I was unable to resist...

Right up there among my favorite things - making grape juice (my version of liquid gold)! It was especially meaningful to glean some grapes from Samuel and Margaret's vineyard this year. It will be special to think of them every time I crack open a jar this year.

Terah was a little too interested in helping. It's HOT coming out, such that you don't even have to can it  - just bottle it up and let it seal. Amazing process and amazing product!

This gal LOVES fried chicken. She and her dad really liked our first foray into home grown and fried chicken. Her eldest sister enjoyed it and Alida and I were not big fans. But the meal included fried eggplant, which we all (minus Terah) are fans of!

This was a VERY large caterpillar Kali found the other day when she was headed down to the garden shed. It must turn into a very large moth!

This is how I found Terah when I got home from work today - helping to process bean seed and with LOTS of pen markings on her legs. They are covered up with her froggie jammies now and we'll have to work on scrubbing them off some other day...
Now time to be glad for a sleeping little one and join her in dreamland before she rouses for her first nursing of the night. Yep, still not a stellar sleeper but she'll get there!

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