Wednesday, January 12, 2022


If anyone can bring snow with her to a place, it's got to be my mother! And since their permanent transition to Tangly Woods, we have had two decent snows and I see more snow in the forecast. I'm not sure if the Shenandoah Valley is trying to win her over, or the snowflakes she has decorating the entire in-law quarters is working its magic. 

These snows did not fall at a time when either Jason or I could enjoy a "snow day" (one of the tragedies of working remotely for me has been the inability to ever truly get a "snow day!"). But I'm so glad our girls got to enjoy snow play and sledding with Grandma! 
I think the pictures can mostly speak for themselves. It was truly a winter wonderland. Terah and Alida spent hours a day outside - on one day I hardly saw them from breakfast to dinner as they got inspired to make a large snow person. The only sadness was when Terah went out and found her turtle shell play house had collapsed under the weight of the snow. She was so distraught until she learned that she could knock the snow off and it popped back into shape!
I mostly enjoyed glimpses out the window every now and then while very likely muttering some curses at technology under my breath. The next post will attest to the fact that we did eventually all get to enjoy some snow play before it melted! 

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