Monday, May 16, 2022

Some other things...

And now for a few things that didn't fit into the last two posts! 

Last weekend we hosted the CJP graduation party. I worked closely with all the students in this graduating class, so it felt significant and meaningful to be part of celebrating with them. And it felt very strange to go through my first graduation season without being "in charge" of the CJP graduation. As it turned out, it was really crummy weather (cold and drizzly) to host an outdoor ice cream social (we set up tents for the food and figured people might mingle there - but not when there was a fire to congregate around). While the air was nippy and damp, I had such a warm and cozy feeling as I looked down from the yard to the ring of people surrounding the flames and heard the happy buzz of them connecting with one another. I've missed hosting large gatherings!
We did a flurry of flower garden edging and weeding before the party (we often allow hosting outdoor gatherings to nudge us to bump up on the list some of the weeding that often falls much lower on the priority list in comparison to the gardens focused on food production). Now we have turned our attention to the summer gardens. The first hay cutting is underway and has provided a wonderful mulch layer for the garlic patch and the cooking tomato beds. When more is cut this week it will go to the delicata patch and to other yet to be determined locations - yay for extra hay/mulch! It's time for the first potato hilling, now that Tala (with a little help) cut back all the weeds in the patch. 
Then here next to me on the table is a list of several dozen "summer-garden-to-do's." We hope to dive into that together tomorrow! We don't see anything near a frost in the 10-day so we are ready to put tomatoes, peppers, basil, flowers, etc... out in the elements!

Finally, we enjoyed a brunch Saturday at our home! There is one common feature in pretty much every picture I took: Luca! Here's the only picture without him since I was holding him as I took it!
This baby is so well loved! Our girls can't get enough of him!!
Neither can I!
It's so cute how much he loves books already. He is so attentive, and often sticks out his little fist towards the book!
And then after a bunch of stimulation, he's ready to sack out on a stroll around the yard! 

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