Saturday, October 15, 2022

7 Year Old in the House!

...and that gal hasn't lost her interest in doing dishes yet. Phew!! May this phase last a LONG time! She is working on the mountain of lunch and baking dishes, giving me a chance to get started on her birthday blog post! So the chocolate persimmon muffins are cooling in front of me and the pumpkin muffins will be emerging from the oven soon. Good smells are accompanying this post - wish I could share those with you too! 

So Terah's 7th birthday celebration was spread out over a number of days, which suited her just fine! Though she was not FULLY in charge (of things like choosing what clothings various family members wore, etc...) on any of those days other than October 11th!

My parents were home just briefly (following their time in WV with Kali) before heading out for a long trip and so we enjoyed a birthday dinner Friday night (Terah's menu selections can be seen in the photo here) and the birthday dessert the following night, since Mom and Terah needed time to bake and decorate her cake!! She didn't want cupcakes this year or a fancy decorated cake. She was very sure she wanted the exact cake Mom had made for Jason's and my birthday - a VERY VERY VERY chocolately cake (she is a gal after her Grandma's heart...or taste buds).

She did have cupcakes TOO, though, since Alida made banana cupcakes as part of the birthday dinner pictured above.
Also on Saturday, she and her sisters enjoyed a monumental first ever outing just the three of them with Kali as their chauffeur! They enjoyed taking in a few EMU homecoming activities, including hearing their aunt share as one of the Ten Talks and then the Girl Named Tom concert, which a friend joined them for. Jason and I were at home hosting the Shenandoah Permaculture Institute for a glorious afternoon of touring and talking about all things Tangly Woods - the good, the bad, the complicated, the precious and beautiful, the questions, the love... It was fun to get a folder of the photos class participants took during the visit to see what drew their eyes. A number of them really coveted Kali's tree bed!
On Sunday she got to enjoy a day trip with her sisters, Emily, Jonas and Ivy to another cousin's birthday party and then return back to Ktown for a sleepover at Ivy's, with another chocolate birthday cake there! 

So she had also had a considerable dose of birthday by the time her actual birthday rolled around (by her birthday evening she was saying with very sleepy eyes that she had had enough birthday!). It was a special day mostly just the 5 of us, other than a Smiley's ice cream outing that Jonas and Ivy joined us for (in which she got to ride in the back sandwiched between her parents!). She had chosen pancakes for breakfast and chicken breasts with pesto pasta for dinner. The rest of the day was sprinkled with presents, hugs, cuddle times and reading, puzzling, some games, and a little wrestling. It was a fun day for all of us! I was getting a little antsy in the afternoon and so the sisters played soccer and engaged in other outdoor fun, while Jason and I were permitted to do some fall garden clean up (I love chopping up and mulching with end of the season plants - that day it was all the marigolds). Probably her most exciting gifts came in the box of hand-me-down dress clothes and shoes. She had wanted ballet shoes but the tap shoes have turned out to be the bigger hit! And there was a second pair in the box that fit Ivy perfectly (playdates have been a little louder around here!!!). 
A few months ago, Terah was having a hard time coming to terms with turning 7. She thought it seemed SO old! While I don't think of it as so old, it is wild to think that our baby is 7. She's still so spunky and fun and caring and helpful (when in the right mood) and silly and curious and so very generous (we are all enjoying that aspect of her personality by way of shared birthday treats!). I know for sure that I'm a better person for having Terah in my life. So glad she is part of our family!!

This post has been written over the course of parts of two days, so it's now time to go rouse that kiddo and her sisters from their slumber so we can enjoy breakfast out on the deck with Grandma and Grandpa Benner on this glorious morning! They are the first of several guests enjoying the in-law quarters while my parents are off gallivanting around the country!

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