Saturday, April 15, 2023

P.S. April Fool's Day

Faithful blog readers, buckle up! I remember as a kid my mom working on scrapbooks and having things spread around as she chose what to put in and where. It's just me, my paper tablet and computer, but it feels like a table-full of material to work with from the past two weeks. Gone are the "slow" times of winter, that's for sure. So here comes a series of posts to share these slivers of life in more bite sized morsels!

When I downloaded photos today, I had to chuckle thinking back to two weeks ago today when our home was full of all kinds of jokes and pranks. I thought we might want some photos here for memory jogs down the road (or inspiration for future years)...

Our two bath toy rubber ducks sure made their rounds throughout the day. They travelled from animal water bucket, to duck water, to dish water, to the indoor chicks, to the bathroom sink to Kali's bed (not sure if it was in that particular order).
Even one of the chicks played an unintentional April Fool's Day joke on us by escaping the swimming pool for the first time. But rather than exploring its freedom, it let us know immediately by peeping loudly that it changed its mind and REALLY wanted back with the others.
My parents had to get their house back together, including finding where all the clothes in their closet had disappeared to!
We all wondered what kind of dinner we would have with Kali slated to cook. I knew some of the menu, enough that I was able to put lots of furry little friends around the kitchen to greet her as she was making the meal. She admitted to me that the one stuffed animal in a spice container even surprised her - success! The one pictured here somehow escaped discovery even though she had gone into that drawer multiple times. It was my favorite!
Dinner, complete with blue rice and red roti, was DELICIOUS!!

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