Saturday, April 15, 2023

Soccer season has begun AND we've got two official ushers!

Speaking of loosening up and doing more things this spring, two new fun things are officially underway and have only been minorly impacted by our recent illnesses and weather. 

Alida had her first soccer game last night and Terah had her first this morning. Both are having so much fun and can hardly wait until the next soccer day! Having Kali on board as another soccer driver is making a big difference in how this season is unfolding! It's definitely a big change regardless for us to have soccer practice or a game 4-5 days a week (with 3-4 of those times falling smack dab in the middle of the evening making dinner before really early and dinner after really late). But it's working just fine and most definitely worth it. Thankfully we are known to eat dinner anywhere from 5-10 p.m. so we are adjusting without too much difficulty. 
Now I would not say that Terah and her assistant coach looked very ready for soccer when I first woke them this morning. It would be Kali's luck that every single one of her team's games fall at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning. I don't know the last time all 5 of our family members were up AND out of bed by 8 a.m. That happened this morning!
But they were ready to go by game time and Alida and I were on the sidelines. Now I had attended the parent meeting where we were told very firmly that this league is just for fun and that we are to cheer for everyone and that parents are not to "coach" from the sidelines. I admit that I'm a bit of a loud spectator - always have been! So I went into this game feeling determined to mostly be quiet and to definitely following the "no coaching" guidelines, as well as happily cheering for everyone. Well, the first thing Kali said to when she crossed the field from the coaches/players area at the end of the game was, "Well, I think you maybe, a little bit, listened to the 'no coaching from the sidelines' directions." SIGH! I promise I was biting my tongue for about 40 of the 45 minutes. She could still hear me across the field being quite vocal (positive but loud and maybe a tad coachy?!). I said maybe I'd need a muzzle next time!
And, as if soccer was not enough for one day, Kali and Alida had their 2nd shadow shift at the Blackfriar's Playhouse this afternoon down in Staunton (another, YAY, for Kali's driving abilities!). So from soccer attire to ushering outfits they went! They have now completed their training and can start official ushering shifts at any point. Alida will not accumulate complementary tickets as a junior usher, but Kali will. I'm hoping that might mean that I also get to see a few more shows in the future!

Well the hot spinach dip is ready and it is best fresh! So I'll get back to blog catch up at the next available opportunity. For now it is time to transition to the deck and soak in this glorious evening!

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