Thursday, July 22, 2010

65 + quarts!

I've got that "good tired" feeling!

As of last evening, I had a pretty short, laid back list for today - maybe even some reading or a nap, since Kali is deep into her own book right now. That is, until our new neighbor stopped by to get water (they don't have running water yet) and mentioned their overly abundant apple tree with ripe apples not being used!

So Jason, Kali and I headed over this morning to pick apples, came home with two basins full and the rest is history. We'll have plenty for us and lots to share with our neighbors who are deep in home renovations, similar to the place we found ourselves 5 years ago. The final load of applesauce is in the canner...

Making applesauce is special and fun and for some reason is strongly connected with all sorts of memories for me. I think especially of my girls when I make it. I remember making applesauce with Jason and Mom when Kali was just days old out on our back deck on Wolfe St. And I remember a long day of canning applesauce with Kali while Jason worked on the front room when I was pregnant with Nora.

It is fun to have Kali becoming truly helpful in canning projects, and clearly being proud of her usefulness. She spared me a lot of cranking and a lot of washing apples. And the best part of all, is that she, after despising it for some time, has come to peace with "the apple." She not only ate a bowl of warm applesauce today, but she ate apple slices with peanut butter AND drank some apple juice. Miracles do happen!

This is just for cute. I guess they were checking out the building site...

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