Monday, July 5, 2010

I still love lamb's quarter

During our four day stint at tree clearing for the in-law quarters, Kali and I took a break one day to head up the hill to pick bowls full of lamb's quarter before it was mowed down in S's chicken runs. Such abundance! Within an hour I had picked enough to cook down, blend to fill and freeze many containers with 10 lbs of bright green slurry that will color and add nutrition to lots of pasta and bread this winter. And my "green bread" was tried out this past weekend over the campfire in our pizza pocket makers - a smashing success!! I'm surprised at how much I find now that I prefer the moist, smooth texture of this bread to other "non-green" bread. It feels like a pretty big win-win all around. I'm grateful to my folks for swapping freezers with us. The extra space this afforded us is quickly filling up with veggies and berries that will be treats come winter (which is hard to even imagine this week as we near the triple digits on the thermometer).

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